Estimate Your Future Earnings | Secure Your Financial Future | dreamstofly

Estimate Your
Future Earnings

Know the value of your desired STEM Masters course—assess its real return on investment and compare across countries. Considering a different course? Connect with an expert to explore its ROI.

50 %
0 %
100 %

Your Estimated Savings Over the Years

Study start12345678910−50,000050,000100,000150,000200,000250,000300,000350,000400,000450,000Savings in USDNumber of years after your course startsUnited StatesCanadaGermanyAustralia

Salary vs. Increment Chart

United StatesCanadaGermanyAustralia1-50010,00020,00030,00040,00050,00060,00070,00080,00090,000100,000110,000Rank of colleges
Salary and Investment in USDAverage annual salary after graduationAverage total investment on education

This graph shows your estimated annual savings in an abroad country. Depending on your loan amount %, the initial years may show negative savings as you won't be earning. Estimated savings rise over time. The data shown is based on average alumni salaries from your chosen course and college.